Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
I Promise My Self, by Christian D. Larson (Secret)

I Promise Myself / Gue Janji Pada Diri Sendiri....
To be strong than nothing can disturb my peace of mind
(Bakal kuat, ga ada yg bisa goyahkan keyakinan dan kedamaian dalam diri)
To talk health, happines, and prospherity to every person I meet
(Bakal bicara ttg kebahagiaan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan pada tiap org yg kutemui)
To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them
(Bakal meyakinkan para sahabat dan orang sekitar betapa sungguh berartinya mereka bagi diri mereka)
To look at the sunnyside of everything and make my optimism come true
(Bakal melihat aspek2 positif dan mewujudkan optimisme dalam diri)
To think only of the best, to work only for the best
And to expect only the best
(Berpikir baik, berbuat baik, berharap segala kebaikan)
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of
others as I am about my own
(Menjadi orang yg penuh semangat dan termotivasi)
To forget the mistakes of the past
and press onto the greater achievements of the future
(Melupakan segala kesalahan dan lebih menekankan keberhasilan
di masa yang akan datang)
To wear a cheerfull expression at all times and give a smile
to every living creature I meet
(Selalu terlihat ceria dan berikan senyuman bagi tiap mahluk hidup)
To give so much time to improving myself that I
have no time to criticisize others
(Bakal berusaha mewujudkan kemampuan dan kemauan,
ga cuma bisa mengkritik orang lain melulu)
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,
too stronge for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble
(Coba atasi kekhawatiran, angkara murka, ketakutan, dan berbagai masalah lain)
To think well of my self, and to proclaim of this fact to the world,
not in loud words, but in great deeds.
(Berpikir positif dan bersifat logis pada segala yang ada di muka bumi
tanpa perlu berteriak namun ga bisa berkarya)
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side
so long as I am true to the best that is in me
(Mencoba jujur, ga muna... atau berpura-pura pada berbagai sisi dunia,
selama kita berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi diri kita sendiri...)
Minggu, 12 Desember 2010
Once I said and thought of "What is a friend to me?"
And i came to a conclusion which i like to share it
with my near and dear friend
That is you
It is by chance we met
By choice we became friends
Friendship is a strange thing....
We find ourselves
telling each other the deepest
details of our lives
Things we don't even
share with our families who raised us....
But what is a friend
A confidant ?
A lover ?
A fellow email junkie ?
A shoulder to cry on ?
An ear to listen ?
A heart to feel ?
A friend is all thess things
and more....
No matter where we met
I call you friend
A word so small
yet so large in feeling
A word filled with emotion
It is true great things
come in small packages
Once the package of friendship has been opened
It can never been closed
It is a constant book always written
Waiting to be read and enjoyed....
We may have our disagreement
We may argue
We may concern one another
Friendship is a unique bonds that lasts through it all
A part of me is put into my friends
Some it is my humour
Some it is my listening ear
Some it is real life experiences
Some it is my romanticism
But with all, it is friendship
Friendships forged are a construct stronger than steel built as a foundation
Necessary for life,
and necessary for love...
You and me
You brought another friends
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning no end...
Thanks for being a very good friend to me
And i came to a conclusion which i like to share it
with my near and dear friend
That is you
It is by chance we met
By choice we became friends
Friendship is a strange thing....
We find ourselves
telling each other the deepest
details of our lives
Things we don't even
share with our families who raised us....
But what is a friend
A confidant ?
A lover ?
A fellow email junkie ?
A shoulder to cry on ?
An ear to listen ?
A heart to feel ?
A friend is all thess things
and more....
No matter where we met
I call you friend
A word so small
yet so large in feeling
A word filled with emotion
It is true great things
come in small packages
Once the package of friendship has been opened
It can never been closed
It is a constant book always written
Waiting to be read and enjoyed....
We may have our disagreement
We may argue
We may concern one another
Friendship is a unique bonds that lasts through it all
A part of me is put into my friends
Some it is my humour
Some it is my listening ear
Some it is real life experiences
Some it is my romanticism
But with all, it is friendship
Friendships forged are a construct stronger than steel built as a foundation
Necessary for life,
and necessary for love...
You and me
You brought another friends
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning no end...
Thanks for being a very good friend to me
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
Wise Words / Pepatah Bijak

We make them cry who care for us
(Kita mungkin saja membuat orang yang peduli akan kita menjadi menangisi diri kita)
We cry for those who never care for us
(Kita juga suatu saat mungkin menangisi orang-orang yang ga pernah peduli pada kita)
And we care for those who will never cry for us
(Dan, mungkin pula, kita akan sangat peduli pada orang yang ga pernah menangis bagi kita)
This is the truth of life.... (Inilah kebenaran)
It is strange but true.... (Aneh tapi nyata)
Once you realize this, (Sekali kita menyadari ini...)
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Aletter from Mom and Dad
A letter from mom and dad
My Child…..
When I get old,
I hope you understand
And have patience with me
In case I break a plate
Or spill soup on the table
Because I am loosing my eyesight
I hope you don’t yell on me
Older people are sensitive
Always having selfpity when you yell
When my hearing gets worse
And I can’t hear what you’re saying
I hope you don’t call me “Deaf !!”
Please repeat what you said or write it down
I’m sorry my child
I am getting older
When my knees get weaker
I hope you have the patience to help me get up
Like how I used to help you
While you were little
Learning how to walk
Please bear with me
When I keep repeating my self
Like a broken record
I hope you just keep listening to me
Please don’t make fun of me
Or get sick of listening on me
Do you remember when you were little?
And you wanted a balloon?
You repeated yourself over and over
Until you got what you wanted
Please also pardon my smell
I smell like an old person
Please don’t force me to shower
My body is weak
Old people get sick easily
When they’re cold
Do you remember when you were little?
I used to chase you around
Because you didn’t want to shower
I hope you can be patience with me
When I am always cranky
It is all part of getting old
You’ll understand when you’re older
And if you have spare time
I hope we can talk
Even for a few minute
I am always all by myself
All the time
And have no one to talk to
I know you’re busy with your work
Even if you are not interested in my story
Please have time for me
Do you remember when you were little
I used to listen to your stories
About your teddy bear
When the time comes
And I get ill and bedridden
I hope you have the patience to take care of me
I am sorry
If I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess
I hope you have the patience to take care of me
During the last few moments of my life
I am not going to last much longer anyway
When the time of my death comes
I hope you hold my hands
And give me me the strength to face death
And don’t worry
When I finally meet our Creator
I will whisper in His hear to bless you
Because you loved your Mom and Dad
Thank you so much for your care
We love you
Mom and Dad
Jumat, 03 Desember 2010
On The Wings of A Prayer, by: Helen Steiner Rice
Just close your eyes and open your heart
And feel your worries and cares depart
Just yield yourself to The God
And let Him hold you secure in His love
For life on earth grows more involve,
With endless problems that can't be solved
But God only ask us to do our best
Then He will take over and finish the rest.....
So when you are tired, discourage and blue
There is always one door that is open to you
And that is the door to The house of Prayer
And you'll find God waiting to meet you there
And The House of Prayer is no further away
than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray
For the heart is a temple when God is there
As we place our in His loving care
And he hears every prayer and answer each one
When we pray in His name - Thy will be done
The burdens that seemed too heavy to bear
Are lifted away on the wings of a prayer
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010
Tuhan dan Segala Kuasa Nya

Dahulu kala, suatu masa....
There was a man who asked God for a flower and butterfly
Ada orang yang minta pada Tuhan sebuah bunga indah dan kupu-kupu yg cantik...
But instead
Namun ternyata sebaliknya
God gave him a cactus and carterpillar
Tuhan memberi dia sebatang kaktus dan kepompong
The man was sad
Orang ini sedih
He didn't understand why his request was mistaken
Dia ga ngerti, kok permintaannya ga dikabulkan dg tepat
Then he thought
Kemudian dia berpikir
Ohh, well. God has too many people to care for....
Mungkin aja... Tuhan punya banyak orang yang harus diperhatiin
And he decided not to ask question
Jadi, dia ga mo memperpanjang masalah dengan banyak tanya
After sometime, the man went to check up
Setelah sekian lama berlalu, orang ini pengen tahu lagi
on his request that he had left forgotten
apa yang telah terjadi dengan permintaan yang telah dia lupain tersebut
To his surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus
Dia kaget banget, dari kaktus yg buruk rupa
a beautiful flower had grown
bermunculan bunga-bungan kaktus yang sungguh indahnya
And the unsightly carterpillar had been transformed
dan, kepompong yang jelek telah berubah
into the most beautiful butterfly
menjadi kupu-kupu terindah yang pernah dilihatnya
God always does things right
Tuhan selalu melakukan hal yang benar
His ways is always the best way....
Jalan Beliau selalu jalan yang terbaik dan terindah
even if to us it seems all wrong
walau terkadang terlihat sebagai cara dan jalan yang keliru di mata kita
If you asked God for one thing and received another
Jika kita memohon sesuatu pada Tuhan, namun dikasih yang lain
Yakin dah....
You can be sure that He will always give you
Tuhan bakal selalu mengabulkan
what you need at the aprropriate time
permintaan kita pada saat yang tepat
What you want is not always what you need
Apa yang kita inginkan sesungguhnya bukanlah apa yang kita butuhkan
God never fails to grant our petitions,
Tuhan ga pernah gagal dalam memenuhi standar permintaan kita
So, keep on going for Him without doubting or murmuring
Jadi, teruslah bekerja, jangan nge mikmik aja, nggerundel ga karuan
Today's Thorn is tomorrow's flower
Yang sekarang tanduk tajam, badai petir menantang, besok bakal
berubah jadi sesuatu yang indah bagai bunga tercantik
Our Heart

Our heart is our love
Our love is our family
Our family is our future
Our future is our destiny
Our destiny is our ambition
Our ambition is our aspiration
Our aspiration is our motivation
Our motivation is our belief
Our belief is our peace
Our peace is our target
Our target is our friends
Life is no fun without friends
It is... World Best Friends Week
Send this to all your good friends
Even me, if i am one of them
See, how many you get back
If you get more than three
you are really a lovable person.
I am waiting
Minggu, 28 November 2010
What I Beg for All of You, at Pura Jagat Kertha, Gunung Salak....

This is my wishes for all of you, I pray, and beg God to shower you, when i was at Pura Parhyangan Jagat Kertha, Gunung Salak.... Sabtu, 27 November 2010. To all of my parents, my parents in law, my families, my kids, my friends, my partners, my love, and all of you......
on different day....
when sadness intrudes....
to kiss your lips....
when spirit sag....
to brighten your being....
for when you doubt.....
to accept your truth...
to complete your life....
to know your self.....
so that you can believe....
for your eyes to see....
to warm your heart....
to follow the clouds...
Jumat, 19 November 2010
The best of friends
Sahabat dan Persahabatan Sejati

A friends is somebody who knows you and likes you
Sahabat adalah orang yang mengenal dan menyayangimu
excactly the way that you are.
apa adanya, ga berpura-pura.
Some one who's special and so close in thought
Sahabat yang spesial dan sangat akrab
that no distance can ever seem for.
bagai tanpa jarak yang memisahkan kalian berdua.
A friend understands you without any words,
Sahabat akan memahami tanpa perlu banyak kata,
stands by you when nothing goes right.
menguatkanmu, jadi tiang penyangga, bila segala sesuatu terlihat buruk.
And willingly talks over problems with you
Mau mendiskusikan berbagai masalah bersamamu
till they somehow just vanish from sight.
hingga masalah pergi dan berlalu
And whether you are neighbors or live miles apart
Ga perduli, apakah kalian bertetangga atau hidup ribuan mil terpisah
a word from a friend gives a lift to your heart and spirit.
sebuah kata dari sahabat akan mampu membangkitkan semangat.
That shows you once more
Hal ini telah membuktikan
why friendship is life's dearest gift.
Persahabatan adalah sebuah hadiah terindah dalam kehidupan.....
Kamis, 11 November 2010
Me, My Self

I am a woman, a wife, and.... a mother.
When you do something in life, have complete faith that you will definitely succeed. Never do anything half-minded. If you are taking up a new venture, don't fear that you may not succeed. That internal fear will reduce your chances to half.
It applies not only to your career matters, but also to your personal matters.
If you love someone, don't fear that the other person may not accept your love. Have complete faith that you will succeed. Believe in your love. Face whatever obstacles come across your way. Sometimes it may seem to be lost. But have the same faith. The other person will surely realize your love. May be, it may take sometime. Finally, your faith will definitely give you all that you want. If not, it will at least give you the mental strength to face any obstacles in life or it will give you the courage to overcome your failure.
Not only love, even in friendship, same thing applies. If your friend doesn't understand you, don't turn panic. Don't blame them for being a wrong friend to you. Sometimes, mistakes do happen between friends. If you can't wait patiently, you will lose them completely. Probably, you may never be able to get them back. So, never blame them, whatever they do. Keep the same faith in your friendship. The other person may take sometime to realize how much you care for them, how much you love them. But finally, your faith will get them back to you.
If you don't try anything with complete faith, you will surely lose it. And after some time in life, you may have to regret that you lost it only because you haven't tried hard. Don't let such situation come to you. If you try with all your faith, strength and will, you will succeed. Incase you don't get success, you need not regret. Because you tried your best and the result is beyond your reach. But there is no fault of yours.
FAITH is a great foundation to build your life...
Treat everyone with Politeness, Even they are Rude to You .
Not because They are Not Nice, But because you are Nice.
I'm a simple person just like everybody else... I have my mistakes, weaknesses and fears... I'm not perfect but who is?... The joy, failures, pains made me the person who I am today... I'm a MOM and I'm PROUD of it....I know myself and I don't care what others say about me...I've had my toll of love and heartaches (a hell lot of heartaches), it just reminds that I'm only a human. I TRUST TOO MUCH!!! I LOVE TOO MUCH!!! I think I'm stupid when I'm in love which I despise about myself, it only means that I'm not perfect...hahaha! I have my alter ego, my better half to be (in God's time) I'm not expecting to be perfect but I know and wish all the best from Heaven. I love my family and my kids so much...I'm not a common man. I choose to be UNCOMMON. I'm a big dreamer but I don't just dream I work on my goals. I don't want to rely on other people. This is me! No clones no copies I'm me!!!
Many times in our lives we are dropped and crumpled into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you're still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by..........WHO WE ARE!!!!
**Some expect me to be "PERFECT" but i'm not, for nobody is.... I have my MISTAKES, WEAKNESSES and FEARS but I am CONTENTED for whatever life I have NOW... And it does'nt matter where I came from, my title or my family name... Its always my DIGNITY as a person that counts... Others may see me as STONE not a gem and I don't give a damn... I know WHO I AM... How I care for people I love... what I think and what I feel... Me... Myself... and I... not perfect but just the way I WANT IT and WHO I AM...**
Kamis, 04 November 2010
My Love
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

To All Who Try To Find Love
If you find your self in love with someone
and that someone doesn't love you
Be gentle to yourself...
There is nothing wrong with you
Love just din not choose to rest in that someone's heart
If you find your self in love with someone
and you cann't answer that love
Feel honor that love came by
and called on your door
But gently refuse the feeling you can not return
as love didn't choose to settle in your heart
If you find your self in love with someone
and the love returned
It still can happen that love choose to leave
Do not try to reclaim it
and do not access any blame
Let it go,
despite the pain
there is a reason and meaning to this
We can not choose love by our selves
Love chooses us
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
If I Knew
If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything right.
There will always be another day to say our "I love you's", And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's?"
But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget,
For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything right.
There will always be another day to say our "I love you's", And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's?"
But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget,
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
Wisdom Story....

A long time ago
There was a hug apple tree
A little boy loved to come
And play aroud it everyday
He climb to the tree top, ate the apples,
took a nap under the shadow
He loved the tree, and the tree loved to play with him
Time went by, and the little boy had grown up
And he no longer played around the tree everyday
One day the boy came back to the tree, and he looked sad
“Come and play with me” the tree asked the boy
The boy replied “I am no longer a kid.
I do not play around the trees anymore”
“I want toys. I need money to buy them”
“Sorry. I don’t have money.
But you can pick all my apples, and sell them.
So, you will have money” said the tree
The boy was so excited.
He grabbed all the apples on the tree
and left happily.
The boy never came back after he pick the apples.
The tree was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned
And the tree was excited
“Come and play with me” The tree said.
“I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family.
We need a hose for shelter. Can you help me?”
“Sorry, I do not have any house
But you can chop off my branches
To build your house” the tree said
So the man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily
The tree was glad to see him happy.
But the man never came back since then
The tree was again lonely and sad
One hot summer.
The man came again
Come and play with me” The tree said
“I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax my self.
Can you give me a boat?”Said the man
“Use my trunk to make your boat.
You can sail far away and be happy” The tree said
So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat
He went sailing and never showed up for a long time
Finally, the man returned after many years
“No more apples for you” The tree said.
“No problem. I do not have any teeth to bite” The man replied.
“No more trunk for you to climb on” the tree said
“I am too old for that now” the man said
“I really cannot give you anything.
The only thing left is my dying root” The tree said with tears.
“I do not need much now, just a place to rest.
I am tired after all this years” The man replied
“Good. Old tree roots are the best places to lean on and rest
Come, come sit down with me and rest” The tree said
The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears
This is you, and the tree is your parents
Love your parents
Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010
Lovely Thoughts

~ Lovely Thoughts ~
Decide to be happy today,
to live with what is yours
your family, your business, your job.
If you can't have what you like,
maybe you can like what you have.
Just for today, be kind, cheerful, agreeable,
responsive, caring, and understanding.
be your best, dress your best, talk softly,
look for the bright side of things.
Praise people for what they do
and don't criticize them for what they cannot do.
If someone does something stupid..
forgive and forget.
After all, it's just for one day.
Who knows
it might turn out to be a good day!
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
I Believe....

To make our life most of a pleasure, less of a chore, and more enlightened
Appreciate what we have, rather than what we think we need
Love the thing which a simple, the things which are free
Count our wealth not in money, but in memories and loves
Take joy in the simple pleasure, like laughter, sunshine and love
See ourself as the kind person that others see in us
Hold on to our dream, however large they seem to be
Give thanks everyday for all that we have
All that we are, and all that we may become
Think positive, we will then attract positive things
Be kind always, and threat others as we would like them to threat us
Most of all, remember....
Whatever happens in our life, good or bad, happy or sad
Life is still wonderful
There is a beautiful world out there
See it, feel it, live it,
And when the day comes, when God calls us home
At least we can say... My life is great, i lived my dream.
Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010
Julio Iglesias Mengiringi Pesanku bagi Anto, dan.. bagi org lain yg dilanda cinta.

Wise men say (Kasih, orang bijak mengatakan ini....)
Only fools rush in (Adalah merupakan sebuah kebodohan jika kita tetap bertahan)
But I can't help (Namun, tak dapat kupungkiri, tak dapat kuhindari)
Falling in love with you (Bahwa kasihku padamu, kutitipkan di jantung hatimu)
Shall I stay ? (Haruskah aku tinggal bersamamu? Mendampingimu? Mendekapmu selalu?)
Would it be a sin (Tidakkah itu adalah dosa yng tiada terampuni bagi kita?)
If I can't help (Jika ternyata tak dapat kuhindari......)
Falling in love with you ? (Aku mencintaimu, akan selalu mencintaimu)
Like a river flows (Biarlah mengalir bagai air yang mengalun)
Surely to the sea (Berjalan menuju samudra)
Darling, so it goes (Jangan pernah menentang kata hatimu)
Some things are meant to be (Akan sesuatu yang sungguh berarti, pasrah saja)
Take my hand (Genggam tanganku)
Take my whole life too (Genggam selalu seluruh isi hatiku, seluruh hidupku)
For I can't help (Karena takdapat kuhindari)
Falling in love with you (Jatuh cinta padamu)
Orang yang bahagia bukanlah mereka yang selalu
mendapatkan keinginannya, melainkan mereka
yang tetap bangkit ketika mereka jatuh, entah
bagaimana dalam perjalanan kehidupan.
kamu belajar lebih banyak tentang dirimu sendiri
dan menyadari bahwa penyesalan tidak
seharusnya ada, cintamu akan tetap di hatinya
sebagai penghargaan abadi atas pilihan2 hidup
yang telah kau buat.
Terkadang..... Cinta sudah cukup ada hanya bagi cinta itu sendiri.
Tidak perlu menuntut berlebih, tidak perlu bersedih.
Jangan biarkan pelita hatimu padam hanya karna cinta tidak dalam genggaman...
Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010
Kamis, 30 September 2010
My Wish, My Love......

on different day....
when sadness intrudes...
to kiss your lips.....
when spirit sags...
to brighten your being...
for when you doubt...
to accept the truth...
to complete your life....
to know yourself....
so that you can be strong
for your energy
to warm your day
to follow the clouds
Kamis, 23 September 2010
God Bless All of Us, Astungkara swecan Hyang Widhi

God bless you...
1. Pursue achievable goals
Hayo... raih cita2 hidupmu.
2. Keep a genuine smile
Senyum dong. Terlihat dah, cakep dan cantik, bukan?
3. Share with others
Berbagi dg org lain, jangan takut akan kekurangan dirimu, ato rakus akan milikmu
4. Help thy neigbors
Tulungi dunk, tetangga mu, org terdekatmu, saling bantu membantu. Siapa tahu, esok kau yg butuh bantuan mrk.
5. Maintain a youthful spirits
Pertahankan semangat. Klo pun jatuh, coba lagi terus..
6. Get along with the rich, the poor, the beautiful and the ugly
Jangan cuma mo berteman sama yg kaya, canti dan pintar, ya?!! yg lain juga dong...
7. Keep cool under pressure
Tenanglah, jangan panik klo ada masalah. Ga ada juga... gunanya.
8. Lighten the atmosphere with humor
Jadi humoris itu perlu lho... Juga narsis, hahaha...
9. Forgive the annoyance of others
Maafkan jika ada orang yang menolak dan mengabaikan keberadaanmu
10. Have few pals
Bersahabat dong, cari lah sahabat, jangan cuma egois aja maunya...
11. Cooperate and reap greater rewards
Bekerja sama demi meraih keuntungan yg lebih besar
rawe-rawe rantas, malang malang putung
12. Treasure every moment with your loved ones
Perlakukan tiap momen / kejadian dengan sepenuh cinta
13. Have high confidence in your self
Bangkitkan kepercayaan diri
14. Respect the disadvant aged
Ada usia / jaman yg udah kaga bisa dikembangkan lagi, mentok sampe disitu, berakhir hingga disini, hargailah ini, jangan terlalu ngotot / ngoyo...
15. Indulge yourself occasionally
Hyo... kadang-kadang.. perlu rehat dan re chargeable lagi dah tubuhmu itu
16. Surf the net at leisure
Harapkan kepuasan dan kebahagiaan bagi setiap umat di dunia, bukan demi se kelompok orang...
17. Take calculated risks
Akan selalu ada resiko pada setiap tindakan
18. Understand "Money is not everything"
Hargai, bahwa uang bukanlah segalanya...
Friends a keep forever in the heart
Senin, 20 September 2010
Friendship and Love

Think about some part of it daily
There are at least two people in this world who you would died for
And... at least 15 person in this world who you love in some way
The only reason that anyone would ever hate you
is because they want to be just like you
A smile for you can bring happiness to anyone
even if they do not like you
Every night someone thinks about you
you mean the world to someone
You are special and unique
Someone you don't even know - loves you
When you make the biggest mistakes ever
something good comes from it
When you think the world has turn
it's back on you .....
take another look
Always remember the compliments that you receive
Forget about the rude remarks
Alway remember.....
when life hands you a lemon - always ask for sugar
Good friends are like stars
you don't always see them -
but you know they are there
I would rather have one rose
and a kind word from a friend while I am here
than a whole truckload when I am gone
Happiness keeps you sweet
Trials keeps you strong
Sorrow keeps you human
Life keeps you humble
Success keeps you glowing
But, only friends keep you going
Forward this to your friends
and don't tell me that you are too busy !!
Don't you know the phrase - stop and smell the flowers?
To my friends.....
I was not too busy to make it and send it to you
My Friend The Wind, by Demis Roussos

Life is never flat,
kadang.... bagai living in a jet plane.
Hampir ga bisa dipercaya tiap perubahan yang kita hadapi
atau temui sepanjang perjalanan hidup kita,
walau sudah terbiasa dengan hal yg menakjubkan,
walau punya adrenalin rada tinggi,
namun kadang masih shock juga....
enjoy aja lageeee
Life is never flat.....
So, let me sing this song
My Friend The Wind, by Demis Roussos
My friend the wind will come from the hills
When dawn will rise, he'll wake me again
My friend the wind will tell me a secret
He shares with me, he shares with me
My friend the wind will come from the north
With words of love, she whispered for me
My friend the wind will say she loves me
And me alone, and me alone
I'll hear her voice and the words
That he brings from Helenimou
Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou
Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
We'll share a dream where I'm never away from Helenimou
Blue are the days like the eyes of Aghapimou
Far from the world will I live with Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
My friend the wind go back to the hills
And tell my love a day will soon come
Oh friendly wind you tell her a secret
You know so well, oh you know so well
My friend the wind will come from the north
With words of love, she whispered for me
My friend the wind will say she loves me
And me alone, and me alone
I'll hear her voice and the words
That he brings from Helenimou
Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou
Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
We'll share a dream where I'm never away from Helenimou
Blue are the days like the eyes of Aghapimou
Far from the world will I live with Manoulamou
Oh oh oh
La la la .... Helenimou
La la la .... Aghapimou
La la la .... Manoulamou
La la la .... Helenimou
La la la .... Aghapimou
La la la .... Manoulamou
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/demis_roussos/#share
Jumat, 17 September 2010
Kamis, 16 September 2010
My Life...... Dharma Sewaka

You sit by the side of the window,
lift the cup
and take a careless sip,
only to realize somebody forgot to put the sugar.
Too lazy to go for it,
you somehow struggle throw the sugarless cup,
until you discover undissolved sugar crystal
sitting at the bottom .....
That's how life is .....
We do not make any effort to value
what is around or within us.
So, look around,
maybe the sweetness you are looking for
is closer than you think .....
Kamis, 09 September 2010
How Great Love Will Never End

My Heart Will Go On, by Celine Dion......
Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never go till we're one
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
There is some love that will not
go away
You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Rabu, 08 September 2010
Being Present to Someone
But that does not make us lonely.
It is not a matter of being present with someone.
It is a matter of being present to someone....
Jumat, 03 September 2010
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
My Lovely Husband...

In my opinion, that is enough one captain in our ship or plane, or company, or a house. Even if I am a mature woman, feminis, and try to do everything by my self, he is my captain. If there is two captain, the life will goes "achakadhut", like broken heart, broken relationship, till they realize this, and wanna repair it again and again, or just becomes an useless trial.
He is not a perfect man, as I am too. He doesn't like to go everywhere, while i do love this with my lovely kids, my servant, me my self. He is a candidate of doctoral programme. He is a smart man, who doesn't like interract with other people by internet, while i do love it. He really loves sit at home, reading, writing, enjoys the time with our sons, check his plants, even we only have some kinds of flowers.
A friend told us the other night that we act like we're on our honeymoon, & she hopes that they will act like us when they are married 16 yrs (Santibangetdah.com).
How I have a wonderful husband .... is he just not the greatest?!!
I am a very lucky & blessed woman.
Leaving On A Jet Plane by Chantal Creviazuk

I stumbled onto this song and while listening to it, a beautiful dentist doctor phoned me. Her husband has a new wife while she finish her study. After I heard it, I started the song over and it took on a whole new meaning. I am sitting here and thinking of how you must have felt listening to this song and saying goodbye to someone you loved and cherished. Im sorry you lost your love, but whenever you hear this song, I hope it makes you smile and think of all the good memories you shared.
Leaving On A Jet Plane, by Chantal Creviazuk
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
I'm ...
There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
What Celine Dion Say About Love.... "I love You"

I must be crazy now
May be I dream too much
But when I think of you
I long to feel your touch
To whisper in your ear
Words that are old as time
Words only you would hear
If only you were mine
I wish I could go back
To the very first day I saw you
Should've made my move
when you looked in my eyes
'Cause by now I know
That you'd feel the way that I do
And I'd whisper these words
as you'd lie here by my side
I love you,
please say,
You love me too
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010
Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010
I Believe...

I believe...
That just because two people argue, It doesn't mean they don't love each other ...
And just because they don't argue, It doesn't mean they do love each other...
I believe....
That we don't have to change friends If we understand friends change
I believe...
That no matter how good a friend is,
They're going to hurt you every once in a while
And you must forgive them for that
(Nubiagroup, 1/8/2010)
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Life: My Life, Your Life, Our Life.....

In life,
You will realize that people you meet have each own purpose...
Some were there to test you, some would use you,
Some would teach you,
and, some would bring you out the better if not the best with you.
Some would even cause you pain and heartache
But we must learn to move on
So let go of the people who cann't treat you right.
Hold on to those who love you back and see your worth...
After all..
Life is meeting people
It's touching people's lives!!!
Thank you for touching my life
You mean more than life to me
If you try,
you can like everybody
and everybody will like you...
There comes a point in our life when we realize
who matters, who never did, who don't anymore,
and who always
So, don't worry about people in your past
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future
I would like to think that I am at least in the corner of your mind
though we are miles apart, but always remember..
You'll have always, a special place in my heart
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
Selasa, 13 Juli 2010
My Friends...
I learned that God sends friends when
we need them the most and every friend
has a special purpose in our lives.
I learned that we often find
new friends in unexpected places.
I learned that despite the distance
between us, a real friendship grows
across the miles.
I learned that though we sometimes
expect someone to kick us down,
a true friend helps us stand back up.
I learned that we should not wait to
express our appreciation for our friends--
if we do, it will be too late.
I learned that we should be open to a
friend's view as two people can look at the
same thing and see something different.
I learned that we should not judge
our friends but respect their
way of life even if we disagree with it.
I learned that we should not only
take the time to talk to our friends,
but we should also listen and try
to understand.
If we can't understand,
we should accept.
I learned that our friends should
always take something good away with
them each time they cross our path.
I learned that friends sometimes
hurt us unintentionally, but we
should forget and forgive.
I learned that friends change
over time and that such change should
be welcomed as it's necessary for growth.
I learned that friends sometimes need
time and space, and we should
be thoughtful and understanding
of their needs.
I learned that you should treat a friend
kindly today, for the people we love the most
are often taken away from us too soon.
I learned that friendship is a candle
that lights our way, and though
it flickers against the
winds of time, distance, and change,
its beauty endures
and shines forever in our hearts.
we need them the most and every friend
has a special purpose in our lives.
I learned that we often find
new friends in unexpected places.
I learned that despite the distance
between us, a real friendship grows
across the miles.
I learned that though we sometimes
expect someone to kick us down,
a true friend helps us stand back up.
I learned that we should not wait to
express our appreciation for our friends--
if we do, it will be too late.
I learned that we should be open to a
friend's view as two people can look at the
same thing and see something different.
I learned that we should not judge
our friends but respect their
way of life even if we disagree with it.
I learned that we should not only
take the time to talk to our friends,
but we should also listen and try
to understand.
If we can't understand,
we should accept.
I learned that our friends should
always take something good away with
them each time they cross our path.
I learned that friends sometimes
hurt us unintentionally, but we
should forget and forgive.
I learned that friends change
over time and that such change should
be welcomed as it's necessary for growth.
I learned that friends sometimes need
time and space, and we should
be thoughtful and understanding
of their needs.
I learned that you should treat a friend
kindly today, for the people we love the most
are often taken away from us too soon.
I learned that friendship is a candle
that lights our way, and though
it flickers against the
winds of time, distance, and change,
its beauty endures
and shines forever in our hearts.
Jumat, 04 Juni 2010
Bungan Sandat (AA Cakra)
Yen gumanti bajang
tan binaye pucuk nedeng kembang
disuba ye layu
tan ade ngerunguang ngemasin makutang
becik malaksana
de gumanti dadi kembang bintang
mantik di rurunge
makejang mangempok raris ka entungang
refff :
To ibungan sandat selayu-layune miik
too.. ye nyandang tulad seuripe melak sana becik
pare truna truni mangde saling asah asih asuh
ma nyama beraya to kukuhin rahayu kapanggih
tan binaye pucuk nedeng kembang
disuba ye layu
tan ade ngerunguang ngemasin makutang
becik malaksana
de gumanti dadi kembang bintang
mantik di rurunge
makejang mangempok raris ka entungang
refff :
To ibungan sandat selayu-layune miik
too.. ye nyandang tulad seuripe melak sana becik
pare truna truni mangde saling asah asih asuh
ma nyama beraya to kukuhin rahayu kapanggih
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010
Always Learning......
"You learn something every day if you pay attention." Kamu belajar sesuatu setiap hari jika melihat lebih jeli. Kata Ray LeBlond, seorang penulis.
Ini menjelaskan bahwa proses belajar berlangsung sepanjang garis kehidupan kita. Tidak hanya berlaku selama mengikuti pendidikan di bangku sekolah atau sebuah asrama. Hmm, benar sekali.
“Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.”
Banyak melihat, banyak menderita dan banyak belajar, adalah tiga pilar utama pembelajaran. Ujar si Benjamin Disraeli, Mantan PM Inggris dan Novelis.
Aku semakin terhenyak. Bukankah, orang yang buta, tuli dan bisu juga tetap belajar dalam kehidupannya? Lalu, menderita membuat kita semakin pintar? Ah, ya, benar... Jika hidup terlalu monoton, tanpa tantangan, tanpa penderitaan, maka orang akan sangat shock jika hadapi masalah dalam kehidupannya. Gampang stroke. Eh hehe... Benar juga deh. Sepakat.
"When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die." Ketika kamu berhenti belajar, berhenti mendengar, berhenti melihat dan berhenti bertanya, itu saatnya untuk mati. Lillian Smith, Penulis Amerika, pernah berkata.
Hla iya lah. Hanya orang mati yang tidak belajar lagi. Jadi, kita harus selalu belajar mengenali, memahami, dan mencari solusi dari berbagai peristiwa kehidupan. Setuju banget dah....
Ini menjelaskan bahwa proses belajar berlangsung sepanjang garis kehidupan kita. Tidak hanya berlaku selama mengikuti pendidikan di bangku sekolah atau sebuah asrama. Hmm, benar sekali.
“Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.”
Banyak melihat, banyak menderita dan banyak belajar, adalah tiga pilar utama pembelajaran. Ujar si Benjamin Disraeli, Mantan PM Inggris dan Novelis.
Aku semakin terhenyak. Bukankah, orang yang buta, tuli dan bisu juga tetap belajar dalam kehidupannya? Lalu, menderita membuat kita semakin pintar? Ah, ya, benar... Jika hidup terlalu monoton, tanpa tantangan, tanpa penderitaan, maka orang akan sangat shock jika hadapi masalah dalam kehidupannya. Gampang stroke. Eh hehe... Benar juga deh. Sepakat.
"When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die." Ketika kamu berhenti belajar, berhenti mendengar, berhenti melihat dan berhenti bertanya, itu saatnya untuk mati. Lillian Smith, Penulis Amerika, pernah berkata.
Hla iya lah. Hanya orang mati yang tidak belajar lagi. Jadi, kita harus selalu belajar mengenali, memahami, dan mencari solusi dari berbagai peristiwa kehidupan. Setuju banget dah....
Kamis, 29 April 2010
Another dream, another chance..
Life is the moment in space
But, there's not only a space, darling....
It's not only full of activity
I have a dream, you too
All of us have our dreams
We try hard to prove our ability, our chance
and our challenge, breaking our limits...
Do you still ignore that?
But, there's not only a space, darling....
It's not only full of activity
I have a dream, you too
All of us have our dreams
We try hard to prove our ability, our chance
and our challenge, breaking our limits...
Do you still ignore that?
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010
Our Mind
Nourish your mind, spirit and your soul
with at least as much attention as your give your body.
What you take in
what you pay attention to
will closely reflect the quality of what you can give out.
Ini menjelaskan pada kita,
bahwa setiap dari kita haruslah memupuk, menjaga,
memelihara pikiran, semangat dan jiwa yang kita miliki....
Karena perkataan dan perbuatan kita
akan ditentukan oleh isi hati dan pikiran kita pula....
with at least as much attention as your give your body.
What you take in
what you pay attention to
will closely reflect the quality of what you can give out.
Ini menjelaskan pada kita,
bahwa setiap dari kita haruslah memupuk, menjaga,
memelihara pikiran, semangat dan jiwa yang kita miliki....
Karena perkataan dan perbuatan kita
akan ditentukan oleh isi hati dan pikiran kita pula....
Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
My Lord, I'm Faling in Love, Again and Again.....
Some wise man told me twice, three times, four times,
and so on, and so on...
Always enjoy life, no matter how hard it seems!
When life give you a thousand reasons to cry.
Show the world,
that you have million reasons to SMILE!!!
Where there is trust there will be love.
Never try to tested the true love its very hard to forget.
You can not see the love and touch it.
Love can only be felled
Every supreme sacrifice of this world behind it there will be love.
And we human exist in this world is because of love.
Ah... My Lord,
I'm falling in love again....
and so on, and so on...
Always enjoy life, no matter how hard it seems!
When life give you a thousand reasons to cry.
Show the world,
that you have million reasons to SMILE!!!
Where there is trust there will be love.
Never try to tested the true love its very hard to forget.
You can not see the love and touch it.
Love can only be felled
Every supreme sacrifice of this world behind it there will be love.
And we human exist in this world is because of love.
Ah... My Lord,
I'm falling in love again....
Minggu, 28 Februari 2010
Rainbow... britau dia untukku
Dia berduka karna ku?
Apa salahku? Karna masa lalu yg tak ramah bagi kami?
Berlari tanpa henti mencari...
Dan kini, dia hindari tapak hati yg ingin bernyanyi?
Rainbow ku
Britau dia untukku...
Dia berduka karna ku?
Apa salahku? Karna masa lalu yg tak ramah bagi kami?
Berlari tanpa henti mencari...
Dan kini, dia hindari tapak hati yg ingin bernyanyi?
Rainbow ku
Britau dia untukku...
Jumat, 26 Februari 2010
Berhentilah Menari.....
Berhentilah menari...
Bisik rembulan pada angin yang membuatnya pecah konsentrasi
Tak ingin ku tergugur karena hasrat membelenggu
Bawa kemari semua yang kumau,
hanya akan menambah duri dihati
Tertambatku, bukan ku tak mampu
Tapi kuhindari jadi benalu
Tak inginlah ku itu
Berhentilah menari,
Bisik rembulan pada angin...
Bisik rembulan pada angin yang membuatnya pecah konsentrasi
Tak ingin ku tergugur karena hasrat membelenggu
Bawa kemari semua yang kumau,
hanya akan menambah duri dihati
Tertambatku, bukan ku tak mampu
Tapi kuhindari jadi benalu
Tak inginlah ku itu
Berhentilah menari,
Bisik rembulan pada angin...
Jumat, 19 Februari 2010
Terpampang di Bali Post 20 Februari 2010
Setelah selesai dengan segenap urusan rumah tangga di pagi hari, kubuka Bali Post hari ini, Sabtu 20 Februari 2010. Membaca lembar demi lembar berita, dari kisruh PDI Perjuangan di Tabanan, promo Speedy dan flexy, aktivitas pilkada, hingga berpuluh berita lainnya... tibalah pada halaman 19. Terpampang berita mengenai kegiatan seminar yang kuikuti kemarin.
Seminar Human Resources Development yang diselenggarakan oleh John Robert Powers dalam rangka ulang tahun ke 25 mereka, di Sanur Paradise hotel, yang kuikuti bersana ibu Sulis dan Ibu Irene.
Pada gambar itu, aku berdiri dengan gagahnya, bersama ibu Sri dari Padma Hotel dan Bapak Ketut Sirna dari The Patra Bali Hotel, kami mendapatkan hadiah buku biografi dari ibu Indayati Oetoyo, yang ditandatangani beliau langsung. Berbangga hati, berdiri di depan seratusan peserta lain dari berbagai kalangan, dokter, wiraswastawan, kalangan perhotelan, perbankan, public, dan media press...
Seminar Human Resources Development yang diselenggarakan oleh John Robert Powers dalam rangka ulang tahun ke 25 mereka, di Sanur Paradise hotel, yang kuikuti bersana ibu Sulis dan Ibu Irene.
Pada gambar itu, aku berdiri dengan gagahnya, bersama ibu Sri dari Padma Hotel dan Bapak Ketut Sirna dari The Patra Bali Hotel, kami mendapatkan hadiah buku biografi dari ibu Indayati Oetoyo, yang ditandatangani beliau langsung. Berbangga hati, berdiri di depan seratusan peserta lain dari berbagai kalangan, dokter, wiraswastawan, kalangan perhotelan, perbankan, public, dan media press...
Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Dan.. Biarkan Pelangi Warnai Hari Kita
Terima kasih Tuhan...
Kau beri aku satu kesempatan lagi
untuk warnai hari-hariku...
Jadi seorang tenaga pengajar di Paket Kejar C.
selalu indah untuk mengawali yadnya, menjalani yadnya...
semoga hati akan selalu putih
se putih salju....
Bantu aku, Tuhan...
Bantu aku menikmati dan mensyukuri hari-hari ku...
Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijaksanaan dan sederetan peraturan yang mendukung terwujudnya program Paket Kelompok Belajar C, bagi orang yang ingin menempuh pendidikan setara SMA, namun terbentur biaya, waktu dan tenaga. Aku sebagai orang yang memahami sedikiiiiittt, tentang Desa Kala Patra, Tri Hita Karana, Panca Sraddha, ingin sekali berbagi dengan mereka-mereka ini. So, bergerak bagai alunan lagu senandung gita suci yg sering kudengar, kucoba dekati beberapa pihak untuk memantapkan jejak kaki ini lakukan pengabdian. "Hanya se kali dalam seminggu, luangkan waktu bagi mereka, dua jam di malam hari" Demikian komentar bu Agung. Hmm, tugas di kantor tak terganggu, keluarga berjalan lancar, so far.. so good lah...
Kau beri aku satu kesempatan lagi
untuk warnai hari-hariku...
Jadi seorang tenaga pengajar di Paket Kejar C.
selalu indah untuk mengawali yadnya, menjalani yadnya...
semoga hati akan selalu putih
se putih salju....
Bantu aku, Tuhan...
Bantu aku menikmati dan mensyukuri hari-hari ku...
Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijaksanaan dan sederetan peraturan yang mendukung terwujudnya program Paket Kelompok Belajar C, bagi orang yang ingin menempuh pendidikan setara SMA, namun terbentur biaya, waktu dan tenaga. Aku sebagai orang yang memahami sedikiiiiittt, tentang Desa Kala Patra, Tri Hita Karana, Panca Sraddha, ingin sekali berbagi dengan mereka-mereka ini. So, bergerak bagai alunan lagu senandung gita suci yg sering kudengar, kucoba dekati beberapa pihak untuk memantapkan jejak kaki ini lakukan pengabdian. "Hanya se kali dalam seminggu, luangkan waktu bagi mereka, dua jam di malam hari" Demikian komentar bu Agung. Hmm, tugas di kantor tak terganggu, keluarga berjalan lancar, so far.. so good lah...
Minggu, 07 Februari 2010
Dalam diam hening malam ini, kuingat kamu...
Nat King Cole nyanyikan lagunya, I love you for sentimental reasons, dengan sepenuh perasaan.
I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I'll give you my heart
I love you and you alone were meant for me
Please give your loving heart to me
And say we'll never part I think of you.
Bukankah indah,
jika cinta akan selalu ada...
entah demi alasan apapun,
dia akan selalu ada,
sudah cukup hanya bagi cinta itu sendiri...
I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I'll give you my heart
I love you and you alone were meant for me
Please give your loving heart to me
And say we'll never part I think of you.
Bukankah indah,
jika cinta akan selalu ada...
entah demi alasan apapun,
dia akan selalu ada,
sudah cukup hanya bagi cinta itu sendiri...
Spirit of Enthusiasm
Baru kuikuti iseng, test di internet, www.ipersonic.com
© iPersonic | Terms of Service | Sitemap | ContactPersonality Test | Test de Personalidad | Persönlichkeitstest | Test de Personnalité | Teste de Personalidade | Tes kepribadian, dan hasilnya adalah aku termasuk kriteria orang dengan kepribadian :
Pelaku Bersemangat, mereka katakan....
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat adalah orang-orang periang dan spontan. Mereka penuh pesona, dipenuhi energi, dan pelaku-pelaku sesungguhnya. Mereka memiliki pemikiran dan pandangan yang jernih sekalipun sedang berada dalam situasi sulit. Ini membuat mereka dikenal sebagai pemecah masalah yang jitu. Kemampuan mereka dalam menyerap dan memroses informasi sangat fenomenal. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat juga memiliki kekuatan dalam pengamatan dan perasaan tajam saat berhadapan dengan orang lain. Mereka mudah memahami, jenaka, dan cerdas. Mereka memiliki kemampuan alami meyakinkan orang lain akan pandangan mereka. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat hidup dalam kekinian dan membuat keputusan-keputusan spontan dari waktu ke waktu. Mereka senang bersama-sama dengan orang lain dan adalah pebincang yang perasa, riang, dan menghibur. Tidak masalah bagi mereka menjadi pusat keriaan dalam sebuah pesta dan mereka adalah tuan rumah yang baik, murah hati, dan trampil. Mereka tidak berlama-lama memikirkan konsekuensi; dengan cepat mereka menangkap seluruh fakta yang relevan, membuat keputusan pragmatis, lalu melaksanakan keputusan itu dengan penuh semangat. Jika suatu keputusan ternyata keliru di kemudian hari, mereka selalu dapat membuat rencana baru.
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat dengan magis menarik keriaan dan aksi. Mereka membutuhkan dorongan itu – sejauh memungkinkan dengan orang lain. Banyak contoh dari tipe ini memiliki hobi berbahaya atau menceburkan diri pada olahraga ekstrem. Dengan cukup sadar mereka menempatkan diri dalam situasi berbahaya berulang-ulang. Dalam pekerjaan, tipe Pelaku Bersemangat juga mengutamakan kesenangan dan keragaman. Mereka bosan setengah mati dengan rutinitas, keamanan, dan perhitungan. Krisis adalah ramuan mujarab bagi hidup mereka dan sungguh-sungguh memunculkan kekuatan mereka. Mereka bereaksi terhadap tantangan-tantangan baru dengan luwes dan efektif. Mereka mendapatkan rasa percaya diri mereka dari keyakinan diri yang tak tergoyahkan sehingga mampu menghadapinya. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat lebih menyukai kegiatan praktis yang menelurkan hasil nyata ketimbang bidang-bidang pekerjaan teoritis. Diskusi yang tidak ada habisnya dengan rekan kerja dengan cepat membuat mereka jengkel dan mereka tidak memiliki kesabaran untuk berbasa-basi. Mereka mengungkapkan bagaimana sesuatu harus dilakukan, dan demikianlah harus dilakukan!
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat membuat teman-teman mereka menunggu-nunggu kejenakaan, semangat, dan kelincahan mereka dalam berkomentar. Kebanyakan dari mereka memiliki lingkaran teman dan kenalan yang besar namun biasanya tidak berkomitmen dalam hubungan mereka. Mereka mengharapkan sifat bisa diandalkan dan toleransi dari teman-teman terbaik mereka namun juga bersedia melakukan hal yang sama kepada mereka. Namun demikian, karena sifat spontan mereka, mereka selalu agak mengejutkan dan tidak mudah ditebak, juga bagi pasangan mereka. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat membutuhkan banyak ruang dan waktu untuk diri sendiri; mereka dengan cepat merasa terkepung jika pasangan mereka terlalu berantung pada mereka. Namun jika Anda memberinya cukup kelonggaran, mereka adalah pasangan hidup murah hati, periang, dan sangat imajinatif yang dengan mereka Anda dapat bersenang-senang dan menikmati hidup sebaik-baiknya. Mereka tidak menghindari konflik namun sebaliknya menghadapinya dengan terbuka dan kadang-kadang perselisihan benar-benar terjadi. Tapi ini tipikal para Pelaku Bersemangat dan, sesudahnya, mereka malah lebih mengabdi dan penuh kasih sayang.
Sifat-sifat yang menggambarkan tipe ini: ekstrovert, praktis, logis, spontan, tak tergoyahkan, tegas, objektif, sungguh-sungguh, penuh perhatian, suka mengambil risiko, periang, impulsif, optimis, mudah bergaul, menyemangati, penuh kesenangan hidup, agresif, tidak peka, dinamis, hidup, sembrono, berorientasi pada persaingan, menyukai aksi, bersemangat, memesona, superior, berorientasi pada solusi, suka berpetualang, tidak berpikir panjang, tidak mudah ditebak, percaya diri.
© iPersonic | Terms of Service | Sitemap | ContactPersonality Test | Test de Personalidad | Persönlichkeitstest | Test de Personnalité | Teste de Personalidade | Tes kepribadian, dan hasilnya adalah aku termasuk kriteria orang dengan kepribadian :
Pelaku Bersemangat, mereka katakan....
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat adalah orang-orang periang dan spontan. Mereka penuh pesona, dipenuhi energi, dan pelaku-pelaku sesungguhnya. Mereka memiliki pemikiran dan pandangan yang jernih sekalipun sedang berada dalam situasi sulit. Ini membuat mereka dikenal sebagai pemecah masalah yang jitu. Kemampuan mereka dalam menyerap dan memroses informasi sangat fenomenal. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat juga memiliki kekuatan dalam pengamatan dan perasaan tajam saat berhadapan dengan orang lain. Mereka mudah memahami, jenaka, dan cerdas. Mereka memiliki kemampuan alami meyakinkan orang lain akan pandangan mereka. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat hidup dalam kekinian dan membuat keputusan-keputusan spontan dari waktu ke waktu. Mereka senang bersama-sama dengan orang lain dan adalah pebincang yang perasa, riang, dan menghibur. Tidak masalah bagi mereka menjadi pusat keriaan dalam sebuah pesta dan mereka adalah tuan rumah yang baik, murah hati, dan trampil. Mereka tidak berlama-lama memikirkan konsekuensi; dengan cepat mereka menangkap seluruh fakta yang relevan, membuat keputusan pragmatis, lalu melaksanakan keputusan itu dengan penuh semangat. Jika suatu keputusan ternyata keliru di kemudian hari, mereka selalu dapat membuat rencana baru.
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat dengan magis menarik keriaan dan aksi. Mereka membutuhkan dorongan itu – sejauh memungkinkan dengan orang lain. Banyak contoh dari tipe ini memiliki hobi berbahaya atau menceburkan diri pada olahraga ekstrem. Dengan cukup sadar mereka menempatkan diri dalam situasi berbahaya berulang-ulang. Dalam pekerjaan, tipe Pelaku Bersemangat juga mengutamakan kesenangan dan keragaman. Mereka bosan setengah mati dengan rutinitas, keamanan, dan perhitungan. Krisis adalah ramuan mujarab bagi hidup mereka dan sungguh-sungguh memunculkan kekuatan mereka. Mereka bereaksi terhadap tantangan-tantangan baru dengan luwes dan efektif. Mereka mendapatkan rasa percaya diri mereka dari keyakinan diri yang tak tergoyahkan sehingga mampu menghadapinya. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat lebih menyukai kegiatan praktis yang menelurkan hasil nyata ketimbang bidang-bidang pekerjaan teoritis. Diskusi yang tidak ada habisnya dengan rekan kerja dengan cepat membuat mereka jengkel dan mereka tidak memiliki kesabaran untuk berbasa-basi. Mereka mengungkapkan bagaimana sesuatu harus dilakukan, dan demikianlah harus dilakukan!
Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat membuat teman-teman mereka menunggu-nunggu kejenakaan, semangat, dan kelincahan mereka dalam berkomentar. Kebanyakan dari mereka memiliki lingkaran teman dan kenalan yang besar namun biasanya tidak berkomitmen dalam hubungan mereka. Mereka mengharapkan sifat bisa diandalkan dan toleransi dari teman-teman terbaik mereka namun juga bersedia melakukan hal yang sama kepada mereka. Namun demikian, karena sifat spontan mereka, mereka selalu agak mengejutkan dan tidak mudah ditebak, juga bagi pasangan mereka. Tipe Pelaku Bersemangat membutuhkan banyak ruang dan waktu untuk diri sendiri; mereka dengan cepat merasa terkepung jika pasangan mereka terlalu berantung pada mereka. Namun jika Anda memberinya cukup kelonggaran, mereka adalah pasangan hidup murah hati, periang, dan sangat imajinatif yang dengan mereka Anda dapat bersenang-senang dan menikmati hidup sebaik-baiknya. Mereka tidak menghindari konflik namun sebaliknya menghadapinya dengan terbuka dan kadang-kadang perselisihan benar-benar terjadi. Tapi ini tipikal para Pelaku Bersemangat dan, sesudahnya, mereka malah lebih mengabdi dan penuh kasih sayang.
Sifat-sifat yang menggambarkan tipe ini: ekstrovert, praktis, logis, spontan, tak tergoyahkan, tegas, objektif, sungguh-sungguh, penuh perhatian, suka mengambil risiko, periang, impulsif, optimis, mudah bergaul, menyemangati, penuh kesenangan hidup, agresif, tidak peka, dinamis, hidup, sembrono, berorientasi pada persaingan, menyukai aksi, bersemangat, memesona, superior, berorientasi pada solusi, suka berpetualang, tidak berpikir panjang, tidak mudah ditebak, percaya diri.
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