Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

Positive Attitude

In everything we do,
our own thoughts can help us succeed,
or they can help us fail.
Maintain a positive attitude.
# Catherine Pulsifer #

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

I Promise My Self, by Christian D. Larson (Secret)

I Promise Myself / Gue Janji Pada Diri Sendiri....

To be strong than nothing can disturb my peace of mind
(Bakal kuat, ga ada yg bisa goyahkan keyakinan dan kedamaian dalam diri)

To talk health, happines, and prospherity to every person I meet
(Bakal bicara ttg kebahagiaan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan pada tiap org yg kutemui)

To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them
(Bakal meyakinkan para sahabat dan orang sekitar betapa sungguh berartinya mereka bagi diri mereka)

To look at the sunnyside of everything and make my optimism come true
(Bakal melihat aspek2 positif dan mewujudkan optimisme dalam diri)

To think only of the best, to work only for the best
And to expect only the best
(Berpikir baik, berbuat baik, berharap segala kebaikan)

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of
others as I am about my own
(Menjadi orang yg penuh semangat dan termotivasi)

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press onto the greater achievements of the future
(Melupakan segala kesalahan dan lebih menekankan keberhasilan
di masa yang akan datang)

To wear a cheerfull expression at all times and give a smile
to every living creature I meet
(Selalu terlihat ceria dan berikan senyuman bagi tiap mahluk hidup)

To give so much time to improving myself that I
have no time to criticisize others
(Bakal berusaha mewujudkan kemampuan dan kemauan,
ga cuma bisa mengkritik orang lain melulu)

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,
too stronge for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble
(Coba atasi kekhawatiran, angkara murka, ketakutan, dan berbagai masalah lain)

To think well of my self, and to proclaim of this fact to the world,
not in loud words, but in great deeds.
(Berpikir positif dan bersifat logis pada segala yang ada di muka bumi
tanpa perlu berteriak namun ga bisa berkarya)

To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side
so long as I am true to the best that is in me
(Mencoba jujur, ga muna... atau berpura-pura pada berbagai sisi dunia,
selama kita berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi diri kita sendiri...)

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Once I said and thought of "What is a friend to me?"
And i came to a conclusion which i like to share it
with my near and dear friend
That is you

It is by chance we met
By choice we became friends

Friendship is a strange thing....

We find ourselves
telling each other the deepest
details of our lives

Things we don't even
share with our families who raised us....

But what is a friend

A confidant ?
A lover ?
A fellow email junkie ?
A shoulder to cry on ?
An ear to listen ?
A heart to feel ?

A friend is all thess things
and more....

No matter where we met
I call you friend

A word so small
yet so large in feeling
A word filled with emotion

It is true great things
come in small packages

Once the package of friendship has been opened
It can never been closed
It is a constant book always written
Waiting to be read and enjoyed....

We may have our disagreement
We may argue
We may concern one another

Friendship is a unique bonds that lasts through it all

A part of me is put into my friends
Some it is my humour
Some it is my listening ear
Some it is real life experiences
Some it is my romanticism
But with all, it is friendship

Friendships forged are a construct stronger than steel built as a foundation
Necessary for life,
and necessary for love...

You and me
You brought another friends
And then there were three
We started our group
Our circle of friends
And like that circle
There is no beginning no end...

Thanks for being a very good friend to me

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Wise Words / Pepatah Bijak

We make them cry who care for us

(Kita mungkin saja membuat orang yang peduli akan kita menjadi menangisi diri kita)

We cry for those who never care for us

(Kita juga suatu saat mungkin menangisi orang-orang yang ga pernah peduli pada kita)

And we care for those who will never cry for us

(Dan, mungkin pula, kita akan sangat peduli pada orang yang ga pernah menangis bagi kita)

This is the truth of life.... (Inilah kebenaran)

It is strange but true.... (Aneh tapi nyata)

Once you realize this, (Sekali kita menyadari ini...)

It is never too late to change (Ga pernah telat kok buat perbaiki keadaan)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Aletter from Mom and Dad

A letter from mom and dad

My Child…..

When I get old,

I hope you understand

And have patience with me

In case I break a plate

Or spill soup on the table

Because I am loosing my eyesight

I hope you don’t yell on me

Older people are sensitive

Always having selfpity when you yell

When my hearing gets worse

And I can’t hear what you’re saying

I hope you don’t call me “Deaf !!”

Please repeat what you said or write it down

I’m sorry my child

I am getting older

When my knees get weaker

I hope you have the patience to help me get up

Like how I used to help you

While you were little

Learning how to walk

Please bear with me

When I keep repeating my self

Like a broken record

I hope you just keep listening to me

Please don’t make fun of me

Or get sick of listening on me

Do you remember when you were little?

And you wanted a balloon?

You repeated yourself over and over

Until you got what you wanted

Please also pardon my smell

I smell like an old person

Please don’t force me to shower

My body is weak

Old people get sick easily

When they’re cold

Do you remember when you were little?

I used to chase you around

Because you didn’t want to shower

I hope you can be patience with me

When I am always cranky

It is all part of getting old

You’ll understand when you’re older

And if you have spare time

I hope we can talk

Even for a few minute

I am always all by myself

All the time

And have no one to talk to

I know you’re busy with your work

Even if you are not interested in my story

Please have time for me

Do you remember when you were little

I used to listen to your stories

About your teddy bear

When the time comes

And I get ill and bedridden

I hope you have the patience to take care of me

I am sorry

If I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess

I hope you have the patience to take care of me

During the last few moments of my life

I am not going to last much longer anyway

When the time of my death comes

I hope you hold my hands

And give me me the strength to face death

And don’t worry

When I finally meet our Creator

I will whisper in His hear to bless you

Because you loved your Mom and Dad

Thank you so much for your care

We love you

Mom and Dad

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

On The Wings of A Prayer, by: Helen Steiner Rice

Just close your eyes and open your heart
And feel your worries and cares depart
Just yield yourself to The God
And let Him hold you secure in His love

For life on earth grows more involve,
With endless problems that can't be solved
But God only ask us to do our best
Then He will take over and finish the rest.....

So when you are tired, discourage and blue
There is always one door that is open to you
And that is the door to The house of Prayer
And you'll find God waiting to meet you there

And The House of Prayer is no further away
than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray
For the heart is a temple when God is there
As we place our in His loving care

And he hears every prayer and answer each one
When we pray in His name - Thy will be done
The burdens that seemed too heavy to bear
Are lifted away on the wings of a prayer

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Tuhan dan Segala Kuasa Nya

Dahulu kala, suatu masa....

There was a man who asked God for a flower and butterfly
Ada orang yang minta pada Tuhan sebuah bunga indah dan kupu-kupu yg cantik...

But instead
Namun ternyata sebaliknya

God gave him a cactus and carterpillar
Tuhan memberi dia sebatang kaktus dan kepompong

The man was sad
Orang ini sedih

He didn't understand why his request was mistaken
Dia ga ngerti, kok permintaannya ga dikabulkan dg tepat

Then he thought
Kemudian dia berpikir

Ohh, well. God has too many people to care for....
Mungkin aja... Tuhan punya banyak orang yang harus diperhatiin

And he decided not to ask question
Jadi, dia ga mo memperpanjang masalah dengan banyak tanya

After sometime, the man went to check up
Setelah sekian lama berlalu, orang ini pengen tahu lagi

on his request that he had left forgotten
apa yang telah terjadi dengan permintaan yang telah dia lupain tersebut

To his surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus
Dia kaget banget, dari kaktus yg buruk rupa

a beautiful flower had grown
bermunculan bunga-bungan kaktus yang sungguh indahnya

And the unsightly carterpillar had been transformed
dan, kepompong yang jelek telah berubah

into the most beautiful butterfly
menjadi kupu-kupu terindah yang pernah dilihatnya

God always does things right
Tuhan selalu melakukan hal yang benar

His ways is always the best way....
Jalan Beliau selalu jalan yang terbaik dan terindah

even if to us it seems all wrong
walau terkadang terlihat sebagai cara dan jalan yang keliru di mata kita

If you asked God for one thing and received another
Jika kita memohon sesuatu pada Tuhan, namun dikasih yang lain

Yakin dah....

You can be sure that He will always give you
Tuhan bakal selalu mengabulkan

what you need at the aprropriate time
permintaan kita pada saat yang tepat

What you want is not always what you need
Apa yang kita inginkan sesungguhnya bukanlah apa yang kita butuhkan

God never fails to grant our petitions,
Tuhan ga pernah gagal dalam memenuhi standar permintaan kita

So, keep on going for Him without doubting or murmuring
Jadi, teruslah bekerja, jangan nge mikmik aja, nggerundel ga karuan

Today's Thorn is tomorrow's flower
Yang sekarang tanduk tajam, badai petir menantang, besok bakal
berubah jadi sesuatu yang indah bagai bunga tercantik

Our Heart

Our heart is our love
Our love is our family
Our family is our future
Our future is our destiny
Our destiny is our ambition
Our ambition is our aspiration
Our aspiration is our motivation
Our motivation is our belief
Our belief is our peace
Our peace is our target
Our target is our friends
Life is no fun without friends
It is... World Best Friends Week
Send this to all your good friends
Even me, if i am one of them
See, how many you get back
If you get more than three
you are really a lovable person.
I am waiting