If you realized how powerful your thoughts are,
you would never think a negative thought.
This morning, January 20 th 2011, i read a letter from tagged. This man, Frank L. wrote to me....
"You are quite pretty...
But you see i am scared of pretty ladies...
Ask me why".
I Asked him, "Why?"
"Yes of course...
Most pretty ladies have empty personalities...
You know they sort of try to cover it up with their looks...
Do you know that? "
Darahku langsung mendidih,
Enak banggeet orang ini bicara tentang wanita,
Boleh dah, jika dia punya trauma ttg wanita,
Namun ini sudah negative thinking....
Boleh aja dia memuji gue cantik. Gue juga suka dipuji dan... narsis
Tapi digeneralisasikan demikian?
Pretty ladies have empty personalities? Ah haha....
"I am a candidates of doctoral programs at cultural studies,
Udayana University, Bali Indonesia...."
Balasku. Dan, hingga kini, dia tidak muncul lagi...