In my opinion, that is enough one captain in our ship or plane, or company, or a house. Even if I am a mature woman, feminis, and try to do everything by my self, he is my captain. If there is two captain, the life will goes "achakadhut", like broken heart, broken relationship, till they realize this, and wanna repair it again and again, or just becomes an useless trial.
He is not a perfect man, as I am too. He doesn't like to go everywhere, while i do love this with my lovely kids, my servant, me my self. He is a candidate of doctoral programme. He is a smart man, who doesn't like interract with other people by internet, while i do love it. He really loves sit at home, reading, writing, enjoys the time with our sons, check his plants, even we only have some kinds of flowers.
A friend told us the other night that we act like we're on our honeymoon, & she hopes that they will act like us when they are married 16 yrs (Santibangetdah.com).
How I have a wonderful husband .... is he just not the greatest?!!
I am a very lucky & blessed woman.